About me

I am pursuiing a PhD thesis in Virtualization and virtual machines security at Université Grenoble Alpes, i started in April 2023. This PhD is under the direction of Pr Alain TCHANA and Dr Renaud Lachaize. It is a CIFRE thesis which means that it is done in partnership with a company in France. The comppany where I am working at is Orange Innovation of the Orange Group. My company supervisor is kahina Lazri. My work is mainly about building a framework for virtual machine observation; to make virtual machines introspection (VMI) to fill the semantic gap and perform a seamless observation of a target machine.

I already have some experience in virtualization. First, When I was in M1, at the National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaoundé I did an internship, working on the synchromization of a distributed shared memory (DSM), in GiantVM, a virtual machine monitor (VMM) developed at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. This internship was under the supervision of Pr Alain TCHANA. I have implemented a write-protect algorithm in it. and performed some other optimizations. The main goal of that topic was to perform a study of the implementation of a distrubuted hypervisor, on the memory management part. This has led to a publication in a workshop named SPMA(Systems for Post-Moore Architectures) colocated with Eurosys 2022. The paper is available here.

In My second year of master thesis at Yaoundé, i wørked on the performance optimizaition of a distributed hypervisor developped in the laboratory where I worked at: Laboratoire d’Informatique du Parallélisme. That Hypervisor is called Scalevisor. it was under the supervision of Alain TCHANA.

I Hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from École Normale Supérieure de Lyon that I did in 2021-2022. The internship that I did there was about the Virtualization of a novel PIM (Processing-In-Memory) hardware, developped by UPMEM, a Grenoble startup. It is the first commercially usable PIM hardware available. I worked on the virtualization of such a hardware to make it usable in the cloud for everyone. This project is still undergoing.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree equivalent in Computer Engineering from the The National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaounde, Cameroon

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in :

  • Memory management in operating systems
  • Memory and Devices virtualization
  • hypervisor related topics

Extra Info

I like music, reading, video games and some more things. I am a christian and love giving joy to people aroung. ^_^